Archive for June, 2008


June 28, 2008

I wish I had more time! By the time I drive Isabel to dance, wait, go home, put Jack down for a nap, do some photo editing, Jack gets up, LUNCH, then off to the races with Jack, by then it’s DINNER, play time again, then baths, all the bed time stuff (teeth brushed, pj’s, prayers), KIDS TO BED, spend some time with Zac, then more editing. Few I’m tired!!! We live a crazy, but fun life! I have some fun stuff to post…Jack standing up by himself, Isabel was in a rodeo dance off, and I’m sure there is more. So i will get to that soon. But I do have to BRAG a little, check out out my Photography Blog…I think they are pretty good. (but that’s just me) Anyway, I know most of you have just as busy lives as us, hang in there, it’s worth it! (sometimes, right?)


June 28, 2008

I wish I had more time! By the time I drive Isabel to dance, wait, go home, put Jack down for a nap, do some photo editing, Jack gets up, LUNCH, then off to the races with Jack, by then it’s DINNER, play time again, then baths, all the bed time stuff (teeth brushed, pj’s, prayers), KIDS TO BED, spend some time with Zac, then more editing. Few I’m tired!!! We live a crazy, but fun life! I have some fun stuff to post…Jack standing up by himself, Isabel was in a rodeo dance off, and I’m sure there is more. So i will get to that soon. But I do have to BRAG a little, check out out my Photography Blog…I think they are pretty good. (but that’s just me) Anyway, I know most of you have just as busy lives as us, hang in there, it’s worth it! (sometimes, right?)

Jack Turns 1!…

June 25, 2008

Dearest Jack, 

How you have grown in the past year! You are our sweet and wild little boy. Isabel says you came from the “Jungle” side of heaven. You are such a wonderful blessing in ours lives. You have brought us all so much love and joy! I hope for so many wonderful things for you. I know you will continue to grow into an amazing little boy throughout this next year. I hope as you grow you still will love to snuggle. You are my little Mama’s Boy, and you can be that forever! We all love you so much little Jack, Jack. 

Jack Turns 1!…

June 25, 2008

Dearest Jack, 

How you have grown in the past year! You are our sweet and wild little boy. Isabel says you came from the “Jungle” side of heaven. You are such a wonderful blessing in ours lives. You have brought us all so much love and joy! I hope for so many wonderful things for you. I know you will continue to grow into an amazing little boy throughout this next year. I hope as you grow you still will love to snuggle. You are my little Mama’s Boy, and you can be that forever! We all love you so much little Jack, Jack. 

Oh my little Jack, Jack…

June 24, 2008

It has begun…Jack is officially into everything! Zac put locks on all the cupboards and we covered all our outlets! I never had to do any of this with Isabel. She didn’t ever get into anything at all! Jack is such a silly boy, he is growing so fast! I think he will be walking soon, he stands up all by himself and stands there for a long time. I can’t believe how strong he is. The other great thing we are dealing with is when he wants to get your attention, he full on slaps you in the face. It is actually kinda funny, but he has a pretty good slap, so sometimes it really hurts! The word SOFT is used a lot around little Jack, Jack.

Oh my little Jack, Jack…

June 24, 2008

It has begun…Jack is officially into everything! Zac put locks on all the cupboards and we covered all our outlets! I never had to do any of this with Isabel. She didn’t ever get into anything at all! Jack is such a silly boy, he is growing so fast! I think he will be walking soon, he stands up all by himself and stands there for a long time. I can’t believe how strong he is. The other great thing we are dealing with is when he wants to get your attention, he full on slaps you in the face. It is actually kinda funny, but he has a pretty good slap, so sometimes it really hurts! The word SOFT is used a lot around little Jack, Jack.


June 22, 2008
My grandparents celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary last Dec. They took the whole Tripp family to Disneyland to celebrate! It was so fun to be with all of my family and take on Disney! We had a blast and I think Isabel rode every ride! (Space Mountain total: 6) Uncle Coy and Isabel were good riding partners. Even Jack got to ride some rides. He liked Pirates of course…and loved seeing the characters. Grandpa Nemo and Isabel got into trading the Disneyland pins and have some really cool ones! Even though it was very hot and crowded, we had the times of our lives! Thanks GG and Papa! We love you! 


June 22, 2008
My grandparents celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary last Dec. They took the whole Tripp family to Disneyland to celebrate! It was so fun to be with all of my family and take on Disney! We had a blast and I think Isabel rode every ride! (Space Mountain total: 6) Uncle Coy and Isabel were good riding partners. Even Jack got to ride some rides. He liked Pirates of course…and loved seeing the characters. Grandpa Nemo and Isabel got into trading the Disneyland pins and have some really cool ones! Even though it was very hot and crowded, we had the times of our lives! Thanks GG and Papa! We love you! 

Funny Girl…

June 12, 2008

Isabel is the funniest kid I know! We went to the Doctor’s today because she has a weird rash, itchy eyes, and runny nose. So the Doctor said to get her some Children’s Claritin. We went to the store to buy some and Isabel says, “Now I can be Claritin Clear.” then she proceed to say, “My old medicine made me all foggy, but now I’m Claritin Clear.” I almost fell to the floor laughing! That girl can remember everything. She even said it in the exact voice tone of the commercial. So now the question is…Does my child watch to much TV? UMMM…verdict is still out on that one!

New Name…

June 11, 2008

Well nothing like starting a new business and not liking the name you have chosen. So I changed it! Pic. Me Photography…I hope you all like it. I love it!