Archive for February, 2009


February 24, 2009

Changes!! After an amazing week in Vegas for the WPPI conference. I have decided to change the name of my Photography business. I want to be able to brand myself and not just a name. I want people to know me. After talking with and listening to some of the most talented people in the business, I think this is what has been missing! I want to be ME and by doing that I am going to now be…

~Vanessa Millecam Photography

So PLEASE…change your bookmarks and the links that you so kindly give to me to:

It is still in the works, and will hopefully soon it will just redirect everyone over from my old address.

Thanks again for all your support! I hope this year my business can grow and I can become the photographer I want to be!


February 22, 2009
These are some of my favs’ of Isabel! She did all the poses herself…what a natural.

Lookie, Lookie…

February 22, 2009

Our Kiddo’s from Vanessa Millecam on Vimeo.

Lets Spice it UP!!!!

February 14, 2009
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Isabel and Troy…ohhh laa laa

February 14, 2009
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Sorry…but there is more!

February 14, 2009

Ok so now Isabel thinks we need to create some of these funny movies…so here they come!

The next Julianne and Derrick Hough from "Dancing with the Stars"

February 13, 2009
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
Ok so I just got this one from Steph as well…I am laughing so hard I am crying!!! Jack looks HILARIOUS!!!!

What out "Dancing with the Stars"

February 13, 2009
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
Stephanie sent this today and it put a smile on my face…so I had to share! Grandpa Riley…you look so good! And Grandma…you look HOT HOT HOT!!!

Super Bowl FUN…

February 3, 2009

We are SO EXCITED that the Steelers WON!!! Jack wore his Steelers shirt that was given to us by Aunt Mazie (the biggest Steelers fan EVER!!!!) I wanted to take some pics of him, but this is what I get when I point the camera at him! So, I decided to see if I held him then try and take the pic with my arm straight out in front if he would do it…this is what we got. Lots of funny stuff! And yes, I am in my PJ’s and am looking AMAZING haha!
We had fun watching the Super Bowl and were screaming and cheering as it came down to the last secs! What a game!!! Zac, of course, was working so for the most part it was just us 3 CRAZIES!!! Zac came home just in time to help us shout TOUCHDOWN!!!

Lay one on me…
His new things is KISSING!! He is always kissing me…cute right? Except he does it open mouth and sometimes bites!

the {3} CRAZIES!!!


Cute Mazie…the Biggest Steelers Fan EVER!!!!