Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Hello world!

April 10, 2009

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

little face…

April 10, 2009

I have decide to change the feel of our family blog. A couple of weeks ago, I said that I was having trouble keeping this one up. But, after I wrote that…if mad me sad. This is where I wanted to write my feelings for my family. All the wonderful things that happen and just my thoughts as a mom. So…I have decide to write everyday (well try). In doing this I want to challenge myself. Capture my children, the world, and tell what I am feeling. At the end of the year, I will turn this into a book of thoughts, pictures, and stories.
I hope you will share in our lives and in my journey.

daily mantra:

“I don’t really wish that it didn’t happen because it has changed my life so much. If it didn’t happen, I don’t know if I ever would have waken up.”

~Ashley Smith

This little face is the face that wakes me up in the morning. This little face is what keeps me from getting dressed everyday. This little face is the face that makes me not keep a clean house. This little face is what makes me run up and down the stairs 100 times a day. This little face is the face that has me cleaning up floods in the bathroom. This little face is the face that makes me stick my hand in the toilet at least a couple times a week. This little face is the face that has me cleaning up food from the floor all day long.
This little face is the face that brightens my day. This is the little face that brings me joy. This is the little face that warms my heart. This is the little face that touches my soul. This is the little face that keeps me going. This is the little face that melts my heart every time I see it. This is the little face I want to squeeze every second. This is the little face that makes me
proud to be a mom.

{Jack}…even though you try me in every way, I can not imagine my life without you. You have brought the little piece of the puzzle that was missing from my life. Thank you for every time that you snuggle with me, and when you give kisses. You will forever be my precious boy…
~Love Mommy


April 9, 2009

daily mantra:

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart”

~Helen Keller

Finding balance: I think this is one of the hardest things for me. I want to do EVERYTHING! I want to accomplish what I set out to do. I hate standing still. Most of the time, ok all the time, I run short. But the greatest thing I have learned is this…you can do what you want. You can learn what you want. If you set your mind to it…it will happen. But the key is to find the
balance to still live.

The other day, I was leaving the house. I pulled out of the drive way and the sun was so brilliant. It was bleeding down the street. As I looked over my right shoulder to back out, a glitter of sun caught my eye. The little red tree on the edge of the yard was lite so beautifully. It was as if just this little spot light of glitter was placed on it. I paused. I was overwhelmed of it simpleness. The little berries caught my eyes next. I caught myself smiling. I thought to myself, “spring,” as the warmth of the sun was drawing me in. A slight breeze was in the air and the little branches were fluttering. The little leaves holding on. In that split moment, that I allowed myself to stop and ponder, it was telling me beauty, simple, quiet, patience comes all in due time. BALANCE. All things natural will come in due time.

Then the moment was gone.

I looked down and noticed my camera sitting beside me, a thought. This is why you love photography…capture this moment. Capture the simple, quiet beauty.
Isabel and Jack…let yourselves stop. Take a moment to always let the beautiful moments in life catch you. In doing this, you will find…Beauty, peace, love, and BALANCE. Love you both always…~Mommy



Blue Bird Day…

April 7, 2009

daily mantra: “Live life to the fullest.” ~Ernest Hemingway

Isabel, Zac, and Coy love to ski/snowboard! This is where you can find Zac and Coy if they are not working. Zac said that Coy skied like over 50 times this year…he lives the life! Isabel loves getting up on the moutain…she is really good too. She does it all by herself. Zac says she hauls down the moutain. The girl has no fear. My question is…why does she not cry when she falls skiing, but when I ask her to point her toes she does? Silly Girl. Maybe she wants to look tuff in front of dad? All I know is, I am so glad that Isabel and Zac have a fun activity they can do together…watch out guys, Jack will joining you all next year!


Zac and Isabel…having one of the best days ever!

Zac and Coy…on one of their many adventures. They hiked to the top of one of the peaks.

Isabel and Uncle Coy

Zac took this pic. WAY COOL! We are going to have it blown up huge for his NEW OFFICE!

Cute faces…

April 5, 2009

daily mantra:

“Only those who look with the eyes of children can lose themselves in the object of their wonder”

~Eberhard Arnold

If you want to see more of these cute faces…then click here.

Cute faces…

April 5, 2009

daily mantra:

“Only those who look with the eyes of children can lose themselves in the object of their wonder”

~Eberhard Arnold

If you want to see more of these cute faces…then click here.

Bath time…

April 2, 2009
Jack loves the bath. He gets all his cars, the pet shops, cups and anything else that looks like fun to play with and in he goes. He always is telling me his belly is dirty to just get back in to play. The funny thing is he has started to have to sit on the potty before he gets in…he is a good observer. Before he gets in he always tests the water with his toes. It is funny to see him stick out his toe and barely touch the water and the expression on his face when the temperature has registered. “Hot” or “burr” is the next thing that comes out his mouth. Next he wants soap on his hands to wash his belly and hair, splashing water to get it off.

Now to business…the fun. I have learned to close the shower curtain half way as a splash proof barrier…more like trying to prevent a flood. Pet shops are flying through the air, cars are driving up and down the side, and water is being poured out of anything that will hold it. His new thing is to dive. He stands up, and dives into the water. Zac just saw him and asked how good our Health Insurance was? haha. But my favorite part about watching him play in the bath is when he catches a glimpse of himself in the faucet. He acts so surprised…”Hi Jack!” Like he had know idea Jack was in the bath. To cute!! Then just as quick as it all started…he is out the door running down the hall wet and naked.

Bath time…

April 2, 2009
Jack loves the bath. He gets all his cars, the pet shops, cups and anything else that looks like fun to play with and in he goes. He always is telling me his belly is dirty to just get back in to play. The funny thing is he has started to have to sit on the potty before he gets in…he is a good observer. Before he gets in he always tests the water with his toes. It is funny to see him stick out his toe and barely touch the water and the expression on his face when the temperature has registered. “Hot” or “burr” is the next thing that comes out his mouth. Next he wants soap on his hands to wash his belly and hair, splashing water to get it off.

Now to business…the fun. I have learned to close the shower curtain half way as a splash proof barrier…more like trying to prevent a flood. Pet shops are flying through the air, cars are driving up and down the side, and water is being poured out of anything that will hold it. His new thing is to dive. He stands up, and dives into the water. Zac just saw him and asked how good our Health Insurance was? haha. But my favorite part about watching him play in the bath is when he catches a glimpse of himself in the faucet. He acts so surprised…”Hi Jack!” Like he had know idea Jack was in the bath. To cute!! Then just as quick as it all started…he is out the door running down the hall wet and naked.

Fun Contest…

March 31, 2009

I am having a fun contest on my photo blog…click here to enter! Contest ends on Thursday.
Plus you can see the rest of these pics of Isabel…~V

Fun Contest…

March 31, 2009

I am having a fun contest on my photo blog…click here to enter! Contest ends on Thursday.
Plus you can see the rest of these pics of Isabel…~V