Archive for December, 2008

Merry Christmas…

December 23, 2008

There is only 2 days left until Christmas! YEAH!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful day! We are very excited that Zac’s parents decided to come to be with us. They are leaving on their mission in a while and it will be nice to spend time with them. 

This year we decide to take it easy as far as the gifts go. I usually go CRAZY! So we said we would only do 3 gifts for Isabel and Jack. It has been AMAZING how well Isabel has been. I think it is almost better. She has asked for the 3 things she really wants the most. Plus, one thing from Santa of course! She even said that if she needed to give up one of her presents so Jack could get stuff then she would do that. She is so kind and is always looking after her brother. 

I hope at this beautiful time of year, we can focus on the importance of our Savior and the blessing he is to us all. In Primary the children were singing “Away in a Manger” and I could not help start to cry. They they were singing it…so simple and pure. It made me realize of the Love Mary had for her unborn baby as well as the true strength and courage she had. I think what hit me the most was that she gave birth to the most important person in History and did all of this in a stable. It made me realize that if a stable was go enough for the baby Jesus then I am more then good with what I have been blessed with! What a beautiful and touching song! 

I also wanted to share another one of my favorite Christmas songs. This is new this year and it is so Beautiful! It is the song playing now, to start it over just go to them bottom to my music! 🙂 Enjoy!


December 18, 2008

Just a fun look…can you tell I am going through withdrawls from photography right now!!!

Little "WHO"….

December 17, 2008

Isabel had her Grinch play at school today! Don’t you think she is the cutest “WHO” ever? She did a great job and it was fun to see her sing all the songs. Jack loved watching her and all the kids…he was even swaying to the music! I posted these on my photo blog as well, they look a lot better over there!

This cute picture was taken with just my point and shoot…I suck at using these kind of cameras haha! But how stinking cute are my 2 kiddos together!

All I want…

December 16, 2008

Last night Isabel decided that her other loose tooth HAD to come out! So she asked Zac to pull it out. He was getting all ready too, then he totally chickened out! haha! So, I having tons of practice with this, sorry Coy, pulled it out in seconds. They were both amazed at my skills. haha! Then we found out the REAL truth of why she HAD to have it out NOW. She had to have both out so she could sing the song! “All I Want For Christmas” She was scared that Christmas was going to come and her tooth would still be in. Then today, she got a present in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa Bone (aka Bowen). It was this cute litte doll that has no front teeth and sings the song!!! Thanks so much! You could have not have planned it any better! So now we are Toothless…and singing away!

Havin Fun…

December 15, 2008

I have been blog slacking I know! Here is some fun pictures of when we went to St. George to visit Grams, Pinch, and Grandma & Grandpa Riley. We had so much fun, just hanging out! Pinch had to take us to the Sand Hollow to ride the 4 wheelers. It was a BLAST!!! Of course Jack loved it, he loves all BIG TRUCKS! Isabel still can’t believe that Grams and Pinch really want to live in their motor home…she thinks they live in someone else’s drive way haha! Thanks for all the fun!

Isabel and Jack had to take home some of this red sand!

This is my favorite face that Jack pulls…it is his scowl!

mmmm…chips and sand so good!!

Zac and his Dad had so much fun together, I guess that Zac went up this HUGE hill…or is it a Millecam story? You be the judge haha!