Archive for January, 2009

Famous…well maybe haha!

January 28, 2009

So my BFF Libby called this morning and told me that one of my pics was on this AMAZING blog! WOW!! She was like…”You are Famous!” haha! It is cool to see my work on others blogs…especially when it is a blog like this! Everyone looks at her blog! Go and leave a comment!

What a day!!!

January 23, 2009

So you all know how much I LOVE DIET COKE, right? Well, lets just say this is why I NEED IT!!! This is just a taste of the joy that my sweet little Jack is…today all this happened between 2:45-7:30
Jack woke from his nap at 2:45, I was working on some things on the computer while he was asleep. I had a diet coke and sat it on the Kitchen counter before going to get him out of his crib.
I had like 5 mins to get him up and head out the door to get Isabel from school. (letting Jack sleep as LONG as possible is a MUST) So we ran downstairs and I went to the kitchen to get him some more milk. As I was pouring the milk, I hear more splashing sound. I look over and Jack has a happy little grin on his face and is pouring out the rest of an at least 3/4 full can of DIET COKE all over the floor!!!! I then go to grab it out of his hand and he flips it back…so now I have Diet Coke everywhere! AHHHH!!! So quick clean up before he decides to step in it and play. Then rush to get Isabel. As we are leaving in a mad dash, Jack is screaming…”MaQueen, MaQueen“…so run back into get the precious cars!

So we are driving to school and he wants his milk, so I hand it to him. It was not seconds later that he is drinking it and spitting it out. AHHHH! AGAIN!! Get Isabel from school, run back home to get changed for dance. Run in and change Isabel and grab Jack a bag of cookies…”ookies, ookies.” Then head to dance. On the drive to dance. Isabel is yelling “Jack NO.” I look back, and he is dumbing cookies all over my car!! And if you know me, you know I love my car, and really don’t like to have the kids eating in it, but sometimes you just have too! So now there is cookies everywhere!!! AHHHH!!! Pull into dance, jump out and run in to buy Isabel new Ballroom shoes (that cost me $100…yea that is right $100!!!) While I am trying them on, Jack is playing in the cloths. He is pulling them off the hangers and hiding in them. AHHHH! Get Isabel into class…start to drive off and Jack is screaming “Poop, Poop” (yes he lets us know when he has done the deed and has to be changed right then) Pull over and change him! AHHHH!

Then we are off the scout out locations for photo sessions. While we are driving Jack has to have me hold his foot! AHHH!!! If I let go…he FREAKS!! Drive around, looking and he is acting really good….YEAH!!! Then we go back to get Isabel and we have to go inside to get her. He is screaming and trying to jump out of my hands to get down, but I know what that leads too. So we grab Isabel and head home…holding the foot the whole way home! We are almost home, and I hear the noise that I HATE…yep, PUKE EVERYWHERE!!!! So now the rest of the ride home, Isabel is grossed out, and freaking because he is playing in it. I am rolling down the windows so I don’t get sick! Pull into the driveway…get him out and undress him, throw him the house and get his nasty car seat out of my car!

Run, both him and Isabel to the shower. We all jump in, because by this point I am going to dye if I don’t get this day off me! While washing Isabel’s hair, Jack gets out of the shower and proceeds to POOP on my bathroom floor! Yes, the JOYS!!! He is standing there just smiling saying “Poop, Poop!” AHHHHH!! Get your butt back in the shower! Finally we are all dressed! Dinner…pizza, he actually sits and eats! Then bring on the cookie! What am I thinking! Cookie everywhere! Ok seriously you need to go to BED NOW!!! Round up the truck blanket, his 2 cars, and milk then off to bed!!!! Holy COW!!! What a day! The funny thing is that I just was finishing the post below when he woke from his nap! haha! Boys…they are such a JOY!!! He keeps me going! But, even after a hellish day…he ropes me in every night at bedtime when he snuggles in and loves to rock. Then we sing his favorite song. I say I love you, and me mumbles back. I just love you death Jack, Jack!!!!

Jut make it to the end of the month…

January 22, 2009

So I have to apologize for the HUGE lack of blogging lately!!! I am so BUSY that I am barley getting what I need done! I hate to say it, but I will be SO GLAD when this month is over! It has been DANCE NON STOP! I so love teaching and watching all the cute girls grow and progress, but I am not going to lie…it is so much work! We are trying to get ready for the big CS Showcase the first weekend in February! This is an AMAZING show! Isabel will be doing 3 Company routines, 1 ballroom routine, and her solo! So exciting! She is getting so GOOD!!! I just watch her and I can’t even explain how she is growing in her talent. She just loves it and works so hard! She is only 6 and the things she can do…WOW!!!

So lets see here…I have been teaching almost 15 hours a week, then rhinestoning shoes, costumes, and whatever else needs a little BLING. Held a contest for my photography and that was a HUGE success! I have 3 head shots, and 3 seasons all in the matter of 2 days! So pumped about that! Then, there is all the emails that have to be returned, editing to be finished, and still trying to learn more and more about photography. So lets be honest…I am CRAZY!!! But, I could never just sit home and do nothing…I really would be CRAZY then haha!

On with the craziness…you add school, which in my opinion is a total waste of time for Isabel. The best is when she gets in the car and I ask how her day was and she replies: “Well, lets see…recess was fun! But, I already know everything else she taught today!” Yes, that is my little girl, the bright one! And how can I leave out Jack who is always keeping me on my toes…if you don’t have your eye on him AT ALL TIMES…believe me you PAY BIG!!! He is getting so stinkin cute and is obsessed with “CARS.” He always has to have 1 car in each hand at all times! Zac, poor guy, is at work all the time. He is such a great guy! He always does what is needed for us! LOVE HIM…with out him I would be LOST!!! So there you have it, that is why I have not been blogging! Also, I haven’t even been calling anyone…so to all you out there…I really love and care about you, but I will talk to you in February haha!

Oh and a huge SHOUT OUT to Traci! I could not do any of this if you didn’t watch my sweet little guy! So thank you!!!!

{pic me} p h o t o s CONTEST!

January 10, 2009

I am having a CONTEST on my PHOTO BLOG!!!! Take a looky and cast your vote!!!! There is a nice price for the winner, so I am sure they would love your VOTES!!! I can’t believe how many people are doing this! SO FUN!!!

Why not…

January 4, 2009
Today was just one of those days that I had to pick up the camera! So I made a make-shift studio and got the cutest model ever…and went to town! I love that Isabel will let me take pic’s of her whenever. Maybe I will try and tackle little Jack…good luck, right! As you all know, these are on my photo blog too and of course there is more cute ones. They look better over there 🙂 I am so hoping that this Year will bring lots of success to my Photo business…I can’t get enough!

Starting the Year off Right…

January 3, 2009
Happy 2009! We rang in the New Year with Family and loads of fun! We have been going to Logan for a while now on New Years. It is so fun to have all the cousins together and eat tons of yummy food! Thanks Aunt Steph for the fun snow hill (in their backyard!)! Here is some pictures of all the cousins playing in the snow…notice all their cute helmets and goggles! We hope you all have a wonderful year!!!!

Christmas 2008…

January 2, 2009
This was one of the best Christmas’s! We were so glad to have Grams and Papa John with us! We had a week full of fun. We went to Danielle and Jeremy’s to make Ginger bread houses, then had them and Zac’s parents over for dinner on Christmas Eve, and played and took it easy on Christmas. Santa brought exactly what Isabel wanted…Spike the Dinosaur! Jack got a huge John Deer Truck…that he smacked right into the wall! Zac was so sweet and wrote a claus to watch the next season of 24 without any complaining and a supply of gummy bears and diet coke to go with it! Does he know me or what! What a great time of year!

I love this pic of Zac and I…I am glad that Grams thinks to take pic’s of us! haha!

We Love Grams and Papa John so much! They had gone to the Spoken Word that day, and President Monson picked John out of the crowd and shook his hand. He said that he liked his orange sweater and that it looked good on him…We all agree!

Our cute Family!

Jack and Korbin have so much fun together…I think in a year, they will loads of trouble haha!

Papa John reading a Christmas story

Isabel has been wanting this American Girl Doll…Mia for a while. She looks just like Isabel, even has cute freckles.

This is Spike…he is big, loud, and tons of fun! I just love Isabel’s face…I think he was everything she had hoped he would be!

Jack was not to sure of Spike at first , but now he loves him. He walks around saying Spike, Spike!

Jack way excited to have his “Big Truck” opened…Jack loves “Big Trucks!”

Two Peas in a Pod…Isabel has been begging for a guitar…so she can be a ROCKSTAR!

Grandpa and Grandma Tripp got our Family the Wii! Isabel was so pumped! It is fun to play, but I will admit that I was so sore from playing and trying to beat Zac haha!

Me and my fun gift from Zac…what a sweetheart! (This is me in my morning glory baby!)